
Fresh air and plenty of good emotions bring restful sleep. We offer a 100% good dreams guarantee and sleeping arrangements for up to 52 guests, including the “Kuuse Concept Houses,” which opened in November 2023.

Kuuse Concept Houses

Two Kuuse Concept houses were opened on 2023. Both houses can accommodates 4-6 people. More information and online booking for the Kuuse houses can be found here.

The hiking cottage can accommodate up to 25 people. Rooms are for 2, 3 and 4 people. Shared toilets and showers in the hallway. Cottage price from Sunday – Friday 560 €/night, from Friday to Sunday and on public holidays 660 €/night. 

The sauna cottage can accommodate up to 11 people. Rooms for 2 and 4 people. Shared toilets and showers in the hallway. Cottage price from Sunday to Friday 305 €/night,  Friday to Sunday and public holidays 360 €/night.

Accommodation by rooms

  Sun-Fri Fri-Sun, public holidays
Double room 70 €/night 80€/night
Triple room 80 €/night 90 €/night
Quadruple room 90 €/night 100 €/night
Sextuple room 105 €/night 120 €/night
Hiking room 105 €/night 120 €/night

All accommodation prices include breakfast.


Additional information and booking or +372 524 6628

Good to know!

  • Kuuse Concept Houses have been rewarded by design awords: “Golden egg 2024” and “Wooden Building of the Year 2024”
  • Double room 70 €/night, on weekends 80 €/night.